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The Ritual of Team Lunch

The Ritual of Team Lunch: Daily Dose For Our Bodies & Bonds

  The midday bell rings across the office - our favorite time of day! Noses follow delightful aromas as we eagerly grab our tiffins and make our way to the open area. One by one, we sit cross-legged on the floor and begin unpacking the meals lovingly prepared by our…


Step-by-Step Planning for Effective and Efficient Meetings

Meetings. They are a ubiquitous part of our professional lives, but often, they seem to consume more time than they should. In fact, according to Atlassian, the average employee attends a mind-boggling 62 meetings per month. While meetings are essential for communication, collaboration, and decision-making, the staggering number of gatherings…


Understanding Why 90% of Startups Fail: Learning From the Failure 

During a recent Business Consulting Meetup led by industry veterans Mr. Bhavin Patel (Founder, AtliQ Technologies), and Mr. Karandeep Sing (CEO, AtliQ Technologies), a notable incident unveiled the stark misconception that many startups hold about their path to success. A passionate startup founder boldly proclaimed, “I know if we get…

Stay Productive Even if You Have More Than Enough Work

How to Stay Productive Even if You Have More Than Enough Work?

Are you drowning in a sea of tasks, feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done? You're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, it's common to find ourselves buried under a mountain of work, struggling to stay afloat amidst endless to-do lists and deadlines. But…

Menstrual Leave at AtliQ

Breaking Taboos: Menstrual Leave at AtliQ

In a world where whispers often replace open conversations about menstruation, AtliQ stands proudly at the forefront of change. We are not just talking about 'periods'; we are setting a new standard by introducing 'menstrual leave.' While the mere mention of menstruation remains a cultural taboo, we have embraced it…


Content That Converts- How Content Marketing Drives Sales

Sales Head :  Our leads have been slipping, and we need to revamp our strategy ASAP. We've got to attract more potential customers. Content Writer :  Chill, I know how our content can become a sales magnet. Let me show you how we can turn the tables and draw in…

The ‘C’ Word: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The ‘C’ Word: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In the crisp air of October, as the leaves begin to don their fiery autumn attire, there is something else that colors our lives this month—pink. It's the shade of hope, resilience, and unity, and it blankets our world in a warm embrace. October is not just a month; it's…


ERP Development Essentials: The Must-Do Steps

In the intricate dance of modern business operations, where data flows like a river and efficiency is the heartbeat, Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP, emerges as the conductor of the symphony. ERP is not just an acronym; it's the key to unlocking the full potential of your organization. It stands…

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