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5 Ways Custom Website Development Can Help in Converting Customers

Websites act as a digital version of your brick-and-mortar store. Over 80 percent of consumers search for their desired products online before purchasing them in today’s digital age. The internet provides a convenient and hassle-free way to shop, as far as a consumer is concerned. As for your business, custom website development gives you a way to reach your target audience and create an impression with no geographical boundaries.

Despite this, many businesses choose to rely on website builders and generic themes to develop their websites. Sure! It saves them some money and time in the short run but is bound to hamper their online growth at some point or the other.

There are several advantages of custom website development. It greatly impacts the brand image and is an essential part of any business’s online presence.

Here are 5 ways in which custom website development can help in converting customers –

Custom Website Development Helps in Converting Customers


  • It Improves Speed

As fast-paced internet services are becoming globally accessible, website speed is becoming a prominent part of the user experience online. The loading time of a website can make or break your online presence. A slow website tends to drive away traffic as well as customers. A survey suggests that more than half of internet users expect a website to load within 3 seconds. 

Studies suggest that over 47% of consumers do not return to a slow website. It is essential to get custom website development services in order to build a fast and user-friendly website. This will not only improve the consumer’s opinion of your business, but it also helps with SEO ranking, providing your website some credibility. 

  • Compatible with all Devices

As mobile devices become increasingly common and smartphones become more affordable, the need for mobile-friendly websites is increasing. Over 50% of internet users are reportedly mobile users. 

It’s essential for your website to be compatible with different devices in order to capture all of your audience. Custom website development allows for the website to be coded in such a way that it’s easy to navigate on a mobile. This means custom website development, navigation, button sizes, and font size needed to make the user’s experience on a mobile device enjoyable!

Brand Image

  • Brand Image 

There’s an abundance of choices for consumers online. They can shop from different stores with no physical or geographic barriers. This makes it important for a business to stand out online, especially with its website. 

Using themes, templates, and website builders restricts customization. Through custom website development, a business can align its website design to match its brand image and voice. It gives brands better opportunities to stand out and helps them convey their brand personality with ease. Branding is one of the most overlooked benefits of custom website development and happens to be one of the most crucial ones!

  • Search Engine Optimization

Custom website development services tend to go beyond website design usability. It also plays an important role in search engine optimization. Professional website developers can better assess technical aspects such as website layout, mapping, alt text for images, and so on. 

This makes a huge difference in the website ranking and can significantly impact the credibility of your website.  Custom website development and search engine optimization go hand in hand. 

Professional Support

  • Professional Support

Just building an industry-aligned, custom website is not enough. The maintenance of a website is as important as developing one.  It‘s important for businesses to be able to deal with technical issues, scale or even change the site as the business grows. 

Custom website development services come with professional support and maintenance. This makes it a valuable investment for your business. 

Custom website development services give great ROI and should be given importance when it comes to establishing your online business.

For professional Website Development Services contact us at

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