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Reasons for project failure and how can we avoid them

Every time you think of a project but are scared of project failure. It is not just a loss for the business but also a demotivating factor for the employees. It puts down the morale of the employees and does not allow the business to grow.

Don’t stress too much about project failure. This blog will tell you the reasons for the project failure and its causes.

What Are the Reasons for Project Failure?


1. Lack of Resources

The missing resources are the main reason for project failures. In theory, it has been recommended that the resources should be allocated at the beginning of the project but it does not happen. The reason for it is the lack of communication between the project manager and the management and it often leads to skipping out this step.

If the team starts working on it in the middle of the project they realize they don’t have enough team members or the resources to complete the project at the right time.

2. Well-defined and Clear Scope

The objective should be well defined before the project starts. The direction and scope should be well defined. If it is not clearly defined, it looks like that team is working towards the goal but there is no direction or no understanding of the course of action. It becomes difficult for them to understand what’s within and what is outside of the scope and it becomes the reason for project failure.

3. No Stakeholders Buy-in

Executive buy-in is a difficult task to carry out. People who have worked with larger organizations often experience it. The project needs investment from the beginning, if the top management or the key stakeholders are not doing so project management failure will surely take place. To run any project smoothly the general interest and timely feedback is the basic requirement. If it is not the case it is good to say goodbye to the project.

This Problem Arises on Both Sides of the Project:

There should be proper and regular communication between the project manager and the stakeholders.

  • Project managers should receive necessary and timely feedback from the stakeholders.
  • Any project will be a success only when everyone is involved in it.

4. Lack of Communication

Team communication is the most important part of project success. When there is a lack of proper communication, project failure takes place. Projects are dynamic even if the project schedule is created, risks are assessed or every step of the project is planned. There will always be one or the other issue such as time constraints, resource issues but it can be resolved with proper communication.

5. Unsatisfactory Deadlines

Having a team and resources will not work if there is an inappropriate deadline. Working under a lot of pressure either results in missed deadlines or poor projects. In any situation, it can be said there is a project failure.

The project manager should always discuss the deadline with the team members before conveying it to the client. It is important that the team should have enough time to complete the task in an efficient manner.

How to Put an End to Project Failure?

There will be always a chance for the problems to arise during any project or in any phase of the project. But what is more important is to know how to put an end to project failure because of these problems. Some of the ways are listed below:

1. Implement Risk Management

Small or big there are always chances problems will arise but what is more important to have the right plans and strategies to tackle them. It is important to have a plan that won’t allow small problems to turn into the big ones.

The team, resources, and proper planning are must to prevent the risk or at least minimize the risk.

2. Implement Agile Project Management

Agile project management is useful in keeping teams work in sync and structured and gives better output. Some of you might not be aware of an agile framework, so let me tell you it works on some set of principles and they are as followed:

  • If change is giving better results, always go for it rather than sticking to the plan.
  • Always prefer to work with software over the extensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration should be preferred over contract negotiation
  • Choose individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Implementing these values will always move you forward towards project success.

Agile project management is also adaptive in nature and it allows us to adjust to changes. There is a plan but it is easy to go back and make the necessary changes wherever and whenever it is required.

3. Usage of Project Management Software

Project management software makes the work easier and smooth. It allows us to manage the projects. It is an essential tool to manage the tasks, the timing of the task, who is allotting it, and to whom, etc. It helps in keeping the record and makes the communication process easier.

This is the reason why project management software is an essential tool.

Think about your new project and consider the reasons for project failure. Now have a look at the points of how to put an end to it.

You will realize project failure is just because of a lack of planning. So next time consider these points and avoid it and implement some of the risk management plans.

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