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How to stop micromanagement at the workplace

If the scenario of your company includes these questions then there is a need to analyze that is there any micromanagement at the workplace, and the questions are:

  • Culture of the company getting worse?
  • Are you finding problems in every employee’s work?
  • Do you need an hour’s work report for all the employees?
  • Are you never satisfied and in a complaining mode and getting frustrated?

If these things are taking place at your organization then you must realize that you are doing micromanagement and it is going to reflect its negative impact on the productivity of the employees and on the growth of the organization.

What is Micromanagement?

Before getting to know other things related to micromanagement it is essential to have knowledge about what exactly is micromanagement.

Micromanagement is a way of working where a person on staff closely observes each and every activity of the employee and tries to find fault in every small thing. They never get satisfied with the work of employees.

How can we realize that micromanagement is taking place in the organization

How Can We Realize That Micromanagement is Taking Place in the Organization?

There are multiple signs of micromanagement that can be observed in the workplace. It can be observed in daily activities and it does not require any special attention.

1. Having Issues in Delegating the Work

The primary sign that has been observed is that the issue arises while delegating the task to the other person. There is a thought continuously going in the mind that the other person won’t be able to do it in the correct manner, therefore you try to do everything by yourself. At times when you delegate the work, you are always in the dilemma of whether the other person is doing the work properly or not, and sometimes you take back the work.

Feedback is not considered important

2. Feedback is Not Considered Important

Feedback has been considered a two-way process whereas you see in the micromanager’s case it turns out to be a one-way process. The micromanagers always believe in giving feedback rather than taking it too. It is all about them, their viewpoint, how good they are, and what they want to do. They care less about what the other person thinks or does.

3. They Find a Problem in Everything and Keep Complaining

They are the ones who are never satisfied with the job done by the other person, they never appreciate others. They always find some of the other issues in the decision or the work done by the other team members. They never try to build trust with the employees.

There are many small signs that are associated with micromanagement but these were some of the major factors by which you can identify that micromanagement is taking place. Here are a few tips that will help you to stop micromanagement at the workplace.

How to Stop Micromanagement at the Workplace?

Micromanagement leads to disturbed company culture and creates a problematic situation in organizational growth. So, we are here to guide what you can do to avoid such situations and they are mentioned below.

1. Motivate and Empower Your Employees

The best way to motivate and empower your employees is by showing them that you trust them. It is necessary not only to tell them that you have faith in them but also to show it through your actions. The actions that help to depict the trust are to try that you never tell them how to do the job, trust in their skills and abilities and allow them to complete it in the best possible way. Just make them the objective they need.

Use the latest technologies

2. Use the Latest Technologies

Not having access to the right information is one of the prominent reasons for micromanagement in the company. Not having access to the right technology to do the work effectively and efficiently also creates an impact on it. So, using the latest technology can help to bring down the level of micromanagement.

3. Provide Importance to the Feedback

Feedback sharing is similar to communication; it is a two-way process. Always try to keep it that way. Feedback is not about finding the flaws in the work done by your employees, so make it a comfortable time where they can share their views, thoughts, challenges faced by them, and how the work process can be improved. It is more of a discussion rather than a problem-finding space.

4. There is No “I” There is Always “We”

One of the major issues that lead to micromanagement is “I”. When the person starts thinking only about themselves then it results in micromanagement. Stop focusing on “I” and give importance to “we”. It helps to build trust and create a good corporate culture because working in the same place does not create a team working together with trust makes the team.

If you don’t want any micromanagement in your company make sure you are not including any of these habits in your workplace. Always try to become a leader, the one who is admirable and followed by the people because the organization will grow only when the culture will be accepted by the people and they love to work sincerely.

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