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How to increase your sales team performance

How to Increase Your Sales Team Performance

Sowing a seed is easy but growing the plant is difficult this statement is just to justify that it is easy to initiate a business that is difficult is to establish its identity. Any business grows when the customers accept its product and services and that’s the time when the…

Celebrations at AtliQ

Employee Satisfaction is the Means of Employee Retention

Being an employee-oriented company, we always assure you to do some trials to make our entire culture and work process very meaningful where people would love to spend their entire productive daytime and produce some meaningful work. “Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.” -…

Team management techniques

Six Simple and Effective Team Management Techniques

Having an organization is only one part of the corporate world. The most tedious and tiring job comes when you have to manage a team. There is a lot of work on your plate before you can even think that your day has started. There are so many works at…

AtliQ WFH Policy

Work From Home Policy

The technology and digital marketing field are ever-evolving, and so are the people who work in these industries. Given the recent pandemic and the global shift towards remote working, it was only logical that introducing a work from home policy was one of our first steps. The work from home…

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