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AtliQ WFH Policy

The technology and digital marketing field are ever-evolving, and so are the people who work in these industries. Given the recent pandemic and the global shift towards remote working, it was only logical that introducing a work from home policy was one of our first steps. The work from home policy at AtliQ helps us ensure productivity in cases where employees would choose to work remotely.  Here is a brief of the policy- 


Work from home arrangements can be occasional or temporary.

  • Parenting (If a child needs their parents present, Like During the sickness of the child)
  • Bad weather
  • Personal Medical reasons


  • Employees send requests of WFH with reason to HR and their immediate reporting manager through email before the working hours start.
  • Their managers must approve their request considering all elements we mentioned above.
  • If the work from home arrangement spans for more than a week, managers and team
  • Members should meet to discuss details and set specific goals, schedules, and deadlines

How It Has Helped Us:

At AtliQ we pride ourselves on treating our employees like family. We have immense faith in our employees and their dedication towards work, which made it apparent that they could work remotely without physical oversight when they needed to. This has helped us look after our employees and provide flexibility to support them fulfill their duties in and outside of work. 

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