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Celebrations at AtliQ

Being an employee-oriented company, we always assure you to do some trials to make our entire culture and work process very meaningful where people would love to spend their entire productive daytime and produce some meaningful work.

“Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.”

Simon Sinek, author, Start with Why

As Simon mentioned, we agree with his quote, which stated that if employees are not happy, then the company will not get quality work. In that case, your future is not reliable, so no customer will stay with you for a good time. Every company has to be a people(employee) focused company because they are the real force that gives you a final outcome and assures your success.

employees love your culture if you keep them happy, Employees playing games

Many companies claim that their employees are very happy in spite of having a great attrition rate. If your employee loves your company, then he never leaves your company. The fact is, if employees love your culture if you keep them happy then they love your company. It’s as simple as it looks. When you hire someone, you need to know that they are your real assets and their mental state is so important for your future too. As a company you should have the following things to assure employee satisfaction :

  1. Good ambiance with essential amenities.
  2. Hygiene should be maintained.
  3. Provision for spending some extra time like a pantry, smoke area, game area, etc.
  4. Plan some regular trips to create bonding between team members.
  5. Define good HR policies where both employer and employee will be happy.
  6. Try to protect culture from dirty politics.
  7. Take anonymous feedback regularly about culture and all.
  8. Appraise good performers on a regular interval.
  9. Provide necessary training to needy people.
  10. Have transparent and open communication amongst all.
  11. Everyone should get a chance to explore new things based on their interest.

having meeting with employee

When employees see their employer among them on the same level and not someone who is dominating them then, it will be a great start to the company’s great future. Practically, there should not be any hierarchy. It means that if an employee feels something about culture or anything then they should have a chance to share their feedback. A famous business tycoon Mike Bloomberg always says that “if I would have to hire someone then I will hire someone who is smarter than me”.

An employer must abandon his ego to give open space to employees so they can share their suggestions consistently. An employer shall give flexibility to people to take more responsibilities so they are more aware of how things happen in the company. They don’t get it through reading some material, it’s always advisable that they should learn through their experience.

Lady giving presentation at office

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”

– Helen Keller

The employee is not only someone to whom you are paying to help you in achieving your objective. Employees are a part of your corporate family and treating them as one increases productivity. It also helps them to be satisfied and they will always work with you to make the organization stand out in the market. It is a common understanding that if your own employee are not satisfied and you are not able to retain them how will you be able to satisfy and retain your customers. So, Our focus is on creating more leaders rather than creating managers.

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