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Learn and Grow from achievements and problems.

Glad & Mad Session

Glad & Mad is a popular retrospective technique that encourages team members to improve their work practices, learn from mistakes, and continue the good practices they have been following.
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Feedback System

Feedback System

Transparency builds trust. As an organization culture grows, transparency matters for building productivity. At AtliQ, we practice giving genuine feedback to help strengthen our culture and develop core values.
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Exploring beyond office floors.

Outdoor Activities

It is a common human trait to get bored within the four walls of the office. Every employee longs for a warm sunny day, away from the computer screen rays. Biophilia is a need for every human.
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We believe in “Success unshared is a failure”.

Employee Incentive Program

We understand productivity drives the business, but what drives the employees? It’s appreciation and a sense of belongingness. None of the efforts by our team goes unnoticed.
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Remarkable Friday

Remarkable Fridays

In 2018, Google started with an initiative named #iamRemarkable, to empower women and underrepresented groups to celebrate achievements in the workplace and beyond.
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Wow Wednesday

Wow Wednesday

The growing globalization has brought us together as a family, and diversification within the workplace is definitely a smart move.  We can safely say that a diverse workforce is more prone to creativity.
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Workforce Diversity = Diversity in views & ideas.


The growing globalization has brought us together as a family, and diversification within the workplace is definitely a smart move.  We can safely say that a diverse workforce is more prone to creativity.
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Picking up a new habit.

Book Reading Club

Book reading is nothing new to us. In childhood, either we were forced to read or we simply loved it. Either way, we have benefited due to it in one or the other way.
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