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New Joiner Onboarding Activities

On the first day, most new hires have mixed emotions. They feel anxious, happy, excited, and nervous at the same time. They don’t know what to say, where to sit, who to report to, and how to mix. This is why the ice-breaker is an important part of the culture at AtliQ. It makes our new employees feel right at home from the moment they enter. The onboarding process includes, but isn’t limited to, helping the new joinee understand the ongoing projects, rules and regulations, and leave information.

We ensure that the new hires feel welcome and comfortable. We have an onboarding checklist handy to make sure that this important step is carried out smoothly. We add a personal touch to the procedure and introduce the new employee to the team during the induction. This is followed by a friendly introduction to the reporting manager, teammates, and a little interaction with them so that the new joinee feels right at home. The required stationary is always waiting for them at their desk when they get there. It’s our token of appreciation and a way of making the space theirs.

With the addition of a new member, there’s a lot of things that need to be taken care of. The role and tasks that are assigned to them there are many things that need to be taken care of on the back end. We make sure email accounts and salary accounts are created. Along with this the documentation required for their employment is also collected. We make sure all these procedures are taken care of and we are able to answer all queries and smooth out any difficulties they are facing so that they can feel at ease and mix into the work environment right away.

First few days in a new environment can be scary and weird. Our main agenda is to invoke a sense of belonging in new hires that makes them feel more committed and feel at home.

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