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Decoding Airbnb's Business Model and USP

Beyond Beds & Breakfast: Decoding Airbnb’s Business Model and USP

Gone are the days of "Do not disturb" signs and overpriced room service. Airbnb has ushered in a new era of travel, one where your host might leave you fresh croissants and insider tips instead of stale mints and exorbitant laundry fees. From humble beginnings with air mattresses on living…

5 Must-Have Tools Every Product Manager Needs to Succeed in 2024

As a product manager, your plate is always full. You're juggling user needs, development timelines, and stakeholder expectations, all while navigating the ever-evolving world of technology. But fear not, fellow product champions! This blog post dives into the 5 essential tools every product manager needs to conquer chaos, streamline workflows,…


Are You Leadership-Ready? Evaluating Your Attitude for Leading Roles

In a corporate world where waves crash against the shore, leaders stand as the lighthouses, guiding ships through turbulent waters. A leadership position is more than a title—it's the helm that steers the course for progress, the compass navigating teams through uncharted territories, and the spark that ignites the flames…


Step-by-Step Planning for Effective and Efficient Meetings

Meetings. They are a ubiquitous part of our professional lives, but often, they seem to consume more time than they should. In fact, according to Atlassian, the average employee attends a mind-boggling 62 meetings per month. While meetings are essential for communication, collaboration, and decision-making, the staggering number of gatherings…


Understanding Why 90% of Startups Fail: Learning From the Failure 

During a recent Business Consulting Meetup led by industry veterans Mr. Bhavin Patel (Founder, AtliQ Technologies), and Mr. Karandeep Sing (CEO, AtliQ Technologies), a notable incident unveiled the stark misconception that many startups hold about their path to success. A passionate startup founder boldly proclaimed, “I know if we get…

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