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Town Hall Meeting

AtliQ Town Hall Meet Q3-Q4
Reading Time: < 1 minute

We have four different departments, Atliq, Cloint and Ideatick and RPA. There arises a chance that the team might not be aware of the successes the other teams have made. To bridge this gap, we started by having town hall meetings every quarter.

At the end of every quarter, we all gather around to track the progress made in the last quarter, big acquisitions the company had along with celebrating employee successes. We also set our paths clear and set the expectations straight for the next quarter.We start our town hall by showcasing successes our team as well as our projects have made in the last 3 months.

Ours is an ever growing and evolving company. Hence, we also draw attention towards some major milestones achieved by the projects during this period. This is then followed by a “Rewards and Recognition” ceremony, wherein the employees are acknowledged for their exceptional and out of the way contribution towards the projects. In addition, the employees are promoted during this ceremony. We end the session on a happy note by playing some indoor games and having some activities.

This has provided AtliQers with a common platform to ask questions and be in sync with the goals and vision of the organization. Also, its an earnest effort to celebrate one’s success and achievements with everyone on the office floor.

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