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Remarkable Friday

#iamRemarkable, an initiative by Google was started in 2018 and has gained warm acceptance by all corporate houses worldwide. AtliQ conducted its first Remarkable session on 17th September 2020.

All the employees were asked to write down their remarkable moments, right from their childhood till age. And then came the twist. They had to read it aloud standing in front of the entire group.Some were anxious, some felt weird and some shrugged at the insane idea. But eventually, when they started to share, and opened up, it was magical!We had some funny instances, some emotional, some appalling. But one thing is for sure, the entire team felt much more positive and overwhelmed in getting a platform to share their hidden stories which otherwise never got an outlet. Since that day, every Friday, we all meet and share such moments with the entire team.

We all are remarkable in our own unique way. The team is now filled with positivity and don’t shy away when it comes to self promotion thereby breaking all modesty norms.

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