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MasterMind Group

AtliQ Master Mind Group
Reading Time: 2 minutes

AtliQers believe in consistent improvement. We have a thirst to upgrade ourselves to better our skills. With this motivation we have started with the “MasterMind Group”.

All those who feel that they want to improve themselves, join voluntarily. Here, the other team members who possess the skills and have excelled themselves volunteer to help peers by mentoring them for the skills they wish to learn. The team gathers around and shares their experiences and also their journey of acquiring that skill. By giving them some challenging tasks they learn. Time to time mentoring also helps them track their progress and clarifies their path. We have different chapters in the mastermind group, these are: Communication, Managing Team, Sell Oneself. Also if one feels to learn any intra-domain skill, we encourage them to do so and assign them the mentor that can help them in learning the basics of the field.

All those who feel that they want to improve themselves, join voluntarily. Here, the other team members who possess the skills and have excelled themselves volunteer to help peers by mentoring them for the skills they wish to learn. The team gathers around and shares their experiences and also their journey of acquiring that skill. By giving them some challenging tasks they learn. Time to time mentoring also helps them track their progress and clarifies their path. We have different chapters in the mastermind group, these are: Communication, Managing Team, Sell Oneself. Also if one feels to learn any intra-domain skill, we encourage them to do so and assign them the mentor that can help them in learning the basics of the field.

This activity is full of challenges and goals. As an official activity, we set a list of action items for each member of the group. We do review the action items on specific time to see the progress. As for example, we have a group for Health Freaks, here we motivate each other to eat healthy and exercise, and monitor progress to help keep our team members on track.

Members of our mastermind group are able to see things that they miss and it provides an alternative viewpoint that has benefited them — and our business — in the long run.

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