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How Skill Building Seminars Help in a Corporate Setting?

What is Skill-Building? 

Skill building means the advanced reformation of professional and personal qualities, mastering the new ways to tackle problems, and developing new methods of thinking and problem-solving perspectives. Skill development helps them progress in their career leading to monetary gains and also uplifting themselves compared to their colleagues.

What Are a Few of the Must-have Skills? 

Many factors have been affecting employment statistics across the world. To succeed in the competitive world of 2022, it is important to have a comprehensive set of skills that composes the following:  

  • Technical Skills

This included the acquired knowledge and expertise in the professional field, including the mastery of the required tools and technologies.    

  • Cognitive Skills

This set of skills encompasses the willingness to adapt to the situation, reasoning, learning from past experiences, and the ability to understand complex ideas, among others. It also includes foundational literacy, numeracy, critical thinking skills as well as creative problem-solving approaches.  

  • Socio-Emotional Skills

This skill set covers one’s ability to navigate through interpersonal, and social situations effectively and indulge in leadership, and show team spirit.  

  • Digital Skills

Currently irrespective of the career path, this skill holds many benefits above all the skills. This skill set holds importance as it includes everything right from the knowledge to access, manage, integrate, communicate and evaluate a created digital content appropriately.       

Benefits of Skill-Building Seminars   

Skill development helps the employees as well as the organization in many ways. According to LinkedIn’s 2021 Workforce Learning Report, 94% of employees prefer to stay longer with a company that invests in their learning. Keys areas where skill building seminars/ sessions at the workplace help are: 

  • Employee Retention
  • Cuts down the replacement cost
  • Improves performance
  • Attracts new talents
  • Easy address specific skill gaps
  • Training future leaders
  • Workplace engagement

Skill Building @ AtliQ 

Like any other business, we at AtliQ seek to improve employees’ productivity and help cut the cost of new hires. There are many ways we get going on the skill building part, majorly with interactive seminars, projects, and fun activities. Frequently conducted learning sessions & hackathons are focused on developing the technical skills of our team, while the fun activities are more towards building communication and managerial skills. 

Technical Skill Development AtliQers

Technical Skill Development AtliQers

Technical skill development seminars are held at regular intervals, which enables our employees to learn new technical skills or brush up on their key skills. Through this, they can continue to grow into the foreseeable future. The technologies around us are vast and constantly evolving. It doesn’t matter if one is experienced or a newbie, but as a modern developer, it is important to be integrated with the latest technologies. The technical skill development skills include everything from mathematical knowledge to capacity for problem-solving while writing a source code. Our technical seminars held in previous years covered various titles like Mastering Design Patterns and Zero to Advanced Javascript.  

Mastering Design Patterns

Mastering Design Pattern is now considered a critical part of IT architect’s roles and looking from a larger perspective, it is also becoming important for most enterprises. The proper use of design patterns in software development allows the developer to exploit the previous experiences with proven arrangements of objects, greatly increasing the efficiency of the coding process.  

Zero to Advanced Javascript

The ‘Zero to Advanced Javascript’ training session aided our team in understanding Javascript better. Javascript is a programming language that helps in implementing a beautiful and complex design on web pages. It is a must-have skill if the developer wants to make the web page look more alive rather than settling for a plain-looking one. While many of them were already well-versed, this session had helped them to gain expertise in the domain.




We believe in a practical implementation of the knowledge. This is why we conduct hackathons, where the teams come up with different ideas around the given theme. This is not only treated as a competition but also the best ideas are implemented in our daily processes. 

Soft Skill Development of AtliQers

The fun-filled skill-building sessions are focused more on building socio-emotional, management, and communication skills. These fun activities not only brush up the skill sets but also ease work stress. Even though bringing in a game-time in working hours seems counterintuitive, a bit of fun competition can do wonders by showering positive effects on the team. Two of our major soft skill-building sessions include Wow Wednesday & Toastmaster. The games are simply fun yet play a major part in boosting the midweek spirit. One of the most underestimated benefits of fun games is attracting and retaining young talents. 

Wow Wednesday

Wow Wednesday

Working 5 days a week- Wednesday is a halfway milestone. While some of us are creatively drained and some are eager for the weekend, game time is something that could lift our energy. Each employee gets a turn to host the event, allowing them to enhance their stage presence and management skills. Usually designed as a team game, it also helps in strengthening bonds among the employees. 



Toastmaster is a group where employees help each other in improving their communication skills. The concept has been inspired by the international organization of the same name. Every week a task is allocated, which can be public speaking, group discussion, or debates. The main aim of this is to allow the employees to gain more confidence while addressing a group, presenting their ideas, or representing a team. 

We consider the skill development training sessions to be one of the most productive happenings of our process. It makes us more productive and independent and makes it easy for us to empower every individual. Every session is made to be relevant to our day-to-day requirements and is designed keeping quality and efficiency in mind. 

Together we learn…together we grow!!

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