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AtliQ Feedback System

We have a transparent culture is a common line you must have read which many organizations boost. But at AtliQ, we walk the walk. We have monthly one-on-one meetings where we clarify our expectations and set goals and targets to meet after conferring with the respective employees. We include them in this process so that they do not feel cornered or blindsighted. Our management also makes it a point to keep their ears and doors open and welcome suggestions and feedback from all our employees.

Each member of the Atliq family has the privilege to address their viewpoints at any given day. These are taken as feedback. These feedbacks can be regarding the work-flows, better ways in streamlining processes or any other suggestion.These feedbacks are taken positively by our management and they work towards it if they find it feasible.

Continuous feedback is essential for any progressive workplace. It has helped us to get hold of the potential problem well in advance before it hinders the productivity of the team.

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