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Atliq: Year 2021 Rewind

Atliq: Year 2021 Rewind

Every passing year is not just a change of calendar but is also an addition of milestones of achievements. 2021, has been blurry for us too. We juggled between working from home and getting back at the desk, among all the uncertainty. We at AtliQ technologies are proud to be sailing through the storm and still holding high. We are a little tired, but we are hopeful and so ready for 2022.   Adding More Feathers to Our Hat In 2021, we will have extensively worked on social applications, end-consumer applications, and enterprise applications. One of our biggest achievements in the year was developing over 32 applications in various other domains too.  The breakdown of these applications is as below:  Social Applications: 7 Location-Based Applications: 3 Enterprise Applications: 8 In-house SaaS Product: 1 Data Science PoC (Point of Concept): 4 End Consumer Applications: 9   Sustainable Resource Management  As we are recovering from the pandemic, we believed in the idea of ‘building back better’. We did exceptionally well in meeting the high expectation from customers and talent. Our success is not measured only in profits but also by people. Hiring 20 new candidates was a significant sign of prosperity. One of our significant hires in 2021 was for the positions of Data Analysts & Data Scientists, and pioneering our first in-house UI & UX team. Earlier we used to outsource UI & UX, but this year we welcomed the new brains who are now beautifying our results like never before.   In the year 2021, we leveled from end customer services and entered into the product segment. Within a short span, we successfully launched an enterprise SaaS product, named Pinfite, which aims at digitalizing the electronics service industry.   Introducing DevOps was another milestone in the year 2021, which has made working much easier, plain, and simple. It has also made it possible for us to deliver with maximum speed. DevOps is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases our ability to deliver services at a faster pace. With this, we were able to serve better and compete more effectively in the market. Even though 2021 was a slow year for many, we zoomed off.  Inclusive Growth  We did see a year pass by, while we were in the process to claw back to the office from WFH and make the most of 2021. At AtliQ, we just don’t grow in quantity. We grow in quality also. With the continuous improvements and evolution we brought in our processes, we succeeded in streamlining our product deliveries which directly enhanced the customer experiences. We introduced serverless architecture. It is a way of building and running applications without having to manage the infrastructure explicitly, but rather creating cloud-based functions that are brought up or terminated as per the need dynamically. It is more scalable and cost-effective for the clients. Moreover, it adds the ‘cool’ factor!!  While the year itself was full of doubts and insecurities, we took a take back and introduced a self-testing stage in the app development process. Earlier, the engineering team was only responsible for the development of the app, while the testing was carried out by the team of testers. With the self-testing protocol, the engineers themselves test and rectify the obvious errors and bugs. Even though the app development takes the same time span, we have been able to control costs to a great extent.     Learning and Growing  He who laughs most learns best.– John Cleese This holds true at AtliQ. We work dedicatedly, we laugh wholeheartedly, we learn constantly and we grow continuously. Apart from life learnings, 2021 has given us a whole bunch of learning that refined our work with fun.     Hackathon 2021 was a huge success undoubtedly. Teams came together and collaboratively to work on the given theme. Teams come up with ideas related to the given theme, and once their ideas are approved, they start building the same. We don’t see this as just an event, but also winning ideas are implemented in our daily process. We take pride in implementing our own ideations for our betterment.   The technical training sessions were one of the most productive happenings of 2021. It made us more productive and independent. The goal of any organization is to empower independent teams who make way for their long-lasting success. We abide by it too and have been encouraging our teams to pave their way with creativity and excellence. Mastering Design Patterns, Zero to Advanced Javascript, and Contributing to Open Source are a few of the seminar topics covered in 2021.    Open Source Day has been our regular practice which has allowed any of our contributors to gain recognition among the coder community. We understand the need and the importance of contributing back to the community. Our contributors have used this for their personal development also by sharpening their skills and understanding the technologies at a better level.  Lessons from 2021 The pandemic has made us reassess our lives and works. Although the year has brought in unforeseen challenges, it was worth the learnings and the positive changes that came out. From a recalibrated focus on well-being to changes in how we work in the future, this important time will go down as one of great change.  Taking forward 2022  Ever since the year began, we are getting a sense of Déjà vu given the increasing new variants of Omicron and an expected lockdown. Despite the uncertainty, we are eager to achieve a fantastic forecast for 2022. We are targeting to grow 100% on revenue terms.  Yes, we want to shout it loud and bold, because we are confident that we are going to make it. Keeping aside the monetary aspect, we are aiming for overall development in the coming year. Constantly brushing up on our skills is one of our major intangible goals for the year. We have already conducted 1 hackathon in the very first month successfully. We have many more hackathons coming up every quarter and frequent seminars to train the team towards betterment. Taking a step towards this, we have already announced the first hackathon of the year in the very first week of January itself.  We have tons of things planned for the coming year and many more to hire to make it come true. Many more customers to serve and continue our journey towards the global market at a lightning speed. Our major focus for 2022 is establishing a data team, for our transaction towards the Data Analyst and Data Science projects. We aim to focus more on developing our own products rather than only just building client products. 2021 saw us entering into the US market, this year we are aiming to work towards establishing a stronghold in the market. Thank you to all AtliQers, new and old, for joining us. We’re still looking for a large number of new people to join the team and make 2022 a great success too.

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